Corporate Astrology
Corporate Astrology is highly beneficial before recruiting any personnel in an organization. Now a day due to the growth of numerous corporate companies; the role of Corporate Astrology has become more important. Head hunting and finding the right employee is the first and the foremost ladder of the success of any organization. At present all the leading multinational companies have started taking the correct guidance of Corporate Astrologers to maximize the gains and to lead globally. According to the Astrological View, a Corporate Entity is made by various persons who include the CEO or Managing Directors, HR Managers, Operation manager, Project Manager, Employees and many more. The horoscopes of these key persons play a very important role in the smooth functioning of the organization and its growth prospect. Corporate Astrology services looks into all these main aspects at the time of the appointment of the key managerial position in any organization. A detailed analysis of the horoscope of all the key personnel of the organization helps in identifying the proper areas of investing and selecting the appropriate method and way of business. This plays a very crucial role in the successful implementation of any projects.
Importance of Corporate Astrology
Corporate astrology helps in recognizing the correct and proper investment to drag the best benefit for the business. Corporate astrology helps to analyze the horoscope of the person suitable for specific job. The availability of project finance, after the project has been decided again depends on the sentiments of the stock market and the economic conditions of the country. It is essential to take tactical decision so that the proper efforts are put in for the initial public offer or seeking project finance from the financial institution so that it may be successful.
Qualities of the member of the top management team
1. In the corporate world, the most important role is of the top management team. Top management people should have certain characteristics which are essential to lead any top organization
The proper leadership qualities for the planning, organizing and monitoring the area of his/her operations, which is governed by the planet Sun
2. Good analytical power helps to take proper decision in different circumstance which is governed by the planet Mercury.
3. A supportive environment for all the team members is essential for the growth of the business. Teamwork is the key concept of a successful organization. Venus governs the teamwork and supportive environment.
4. Intuitive power is essential for the managers to make an important decision. It is jointly supported by the Sun and Jupiter.
5. The Moon governs and keeps the record of all the crucial, activities of an organization.
6. Hard work needs proper stamina. It is represented by Mars.
Operational functions are the second most important characteristics of any organization. It is performed by the Senior Line managers. Developing the Senior Line managers for taking various positions for operation is governed by the Jupiter.
Trustworthiness and Continued relationship are governed by the Jupiter and the Sun
Planet governs each spheres of the human body. Similarly, various planets govern the managerial attitude and leadership qualities of the top management personnel. The complete detailed analysis of Horoscope of the new employee gives an insight which can’t be ignored. A Horoscope does not tell the basic capabilities but it also tells that whether the person in question is capable of using his/her capabilities for the successful implementation of the project. This report consists of –
Proper names for the Corporate or Multinational Company, for deriving, the maximum benefits in business.
Remedial measures or gems therapy or Key person for maximizing the efforts and for global leadership.
Proper suggestion if the company is unable to achieve the business growth. Strength and weakness can be evaluated by the horoscope analysis, but Astrology does not help only in charting the course of lives, but it also helps in charting the prospect and growth of Business enterprise, Institutions and Nations.
Corporate Astrology services help to analyze the role of each planet for appointing talented personnel in an organization.
We at Dr Devi Chauhan group analyze the whole corporate service which is very useful for corporate sectors. Dr Devi Chauhan has got wide experience and knowledge in the Corporate Astrology. You can contact us with full confidence and secrecy with your birth details which could make you satisfied in the business and can help you to explore the leadership qualities as well as financial stability. We provide accurate Corporate Astrology solutions for the accurate growth of the organization along with the financial stability.
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