We were all taught to write in a specific way when we were children at school, but it is evident that no one continues to write exactly the way they were taught and everyone’s handwriting looks different. In fact as soon as someone can write, he or she gradually alters the shapes and sizes of letters in accordance with individual likes and dislikes.
The reason is that our personalities affect the way our handwriting develops after we were taught to write. This is because handwriting is the pattern of our psychology expressed in symbols on the page and these symbols are as unique as our own DNA.
When you get to know a person’s handwriting well enough, you recognise whose script it is, just as if it were a well-known painting or photograph. Graphology is based on the principle that every individual’s handwriting has a character of its own and this is entirely due to the uniqueness of the writer’s personality.
So it is the writer’s deviations from the copybook learnt that allows expert graphologists to assess, with the greatest accuracy, the character and capabilities of the writer.
In fact graphologists are exceptionally fortunate in that they see before them, in black and white, the pattern in symbolic form of a writer’s whole psychological profile. By contrast, psychoanalysts and psychotherapists all over the world must formulate their own opinions solely on the basis of what is told to them over a period of time by the client in question.
It’s purpose is to give a realistic view on problems that confront people from all walks of life, every day of their lives.
Handwriting is a universal skill that does not discriminate against sex, race, colour or creed. Graphology gives an unbiased outline of the unique personality and behaviour of an individual, without them even being present.
Graphology is a blend of art and science. It is a science because it measures the structure and movement of the written forms – slants, angles and spacing are accurately calculated and the pressure is observed in magnification and with precision. And it is an art because the graphologist has constantly to keep in mind the total context in which the writing is taking place: the ‘gestalt’ of the writing as a whole.
Writing consists of three things – movement, spacing and form. A graphologist studies these variations as they occur in each of these aspects of writing, and attaches psychological interpretations to them. Expert graphologists can achieve a very high degree of accuracy.
Do you think you are a good judge of character? Have you always been right? Or have you sometimes found that your first impressions have been wrong?
The truth is that appearances can be deceptive, but handwriting never lies. Handwriting reveals how the writer thinks, feels and behaves, and it does so directly and immediately. It shows the motivation that lies behind actions, and outlines the writer’s propensity to behave in ways that may not be expected.
Graphology not only examines behaviour, but the subconscious or the whys that lie behind actions, providing information that could not be established in any other way or in such a quick time. This makes graphology a very powerful tool. Handwriting analysis is therefore highly effective in a wide variety of practical situations.
For those wishing to become professional graphologists, the Institute offers a series of exams leading to diploma level . Thehealingaura and Quetzal International College of Astrology Science not only fosters best practice and the highest standards of graphology but also, through its diploma course, trains experts to apply accurate graphological interpretation and to give a clear and thorough account of their findings.
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